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Glow Up Your Creative Practice

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Glow Up your creative Practice applications 2024


Glow Up Your Creative Practice offers LGBTQ+ freelance theatre creatives in Greater Manchester the opportunity to 'glow up' an essential part of their creative practice.


We've got 3 residencies up for grabs which include budget for up to 5 days’ work, essential resources, and even professional mentorship to help guide you.


Want to find out more or apply? Scroll on!

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​We have provided application guidance in written and video form (with captions). You can apply in writing, with a video or voice recording - character counts and lengths are detailed on each question.


Please detail any access requirements and requested support on your application - we're a small team but will do our very best to accommodate so everyone can get involved.


We're committed to improving access, if you think there is something we can do to support you accessing Glow Up, please email

Video Guidance Notes

Glow Up Sign Up

Your Creative Practice

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About Glow Up Your Creative Practice  


Glow Up Your Creative Practice offers LGBTQ+ freelance theatre creatives in Greater Manchester the opportunity to 'glow up' an essential part of their creative practice across a paid 5-day self-directed residency.


This could be building a new website, developing a 5-year business plan, spending time researching and consulting on a potential new project... or something else you feel is essential to unlock your next career goals.


Successful applicants will receive 5 days payment, 3 days mentorship and up to £250 to cover essential resources and expenses.


What activity is eligible?


Glow Up Your Creative Practice is NOT about developing a creative product (e.g. a new show) but offers space, time and resource to developing your creative business offer. It could be one, or a combination of the following things:


  • Teaching yourself to build and maintain a website or online portfolio (or update an existing one)

  • Spending time learning more about developing and maintaining your social media

  • Developing a ‘brand’ identity for your creative practice

  • Writing an artist statement, manifesto, vision and values, strategic objectives/goals or artistic policy for your work or company

  • Redesigning or creating new content for your existing website (e.g. new video content)

  • Exploring ways to expand your practice (e.g. new ways to monetise your skills)

  • R and D or planning a new creative project (e.g. a community outreach project)

  • Developing your understanding of arts funding and creating a fundraising strategy

  • Creating a business plan

  • Developing and strengthening your networks or partnerships

  • Attending training in a specific skill (e.g. fundraising, leadership, finance)

  • Researching your place in the arts industry (e.g. meeting local venues, programmers and producers to understand more about their programmes and how you can make work that appeals to them/promote your work to them)


What's included in the residency?


Successful Applicants will receive:


Fee: £750 (5 x day @ £150)


You can work 5 days in a row or spread them across the month of October. You’ll receive support from Dibby but this work will mostly be self-directed.


Mentorship: Up to 3 days mentorship with a suitable professional mentor


We will work with successful applicants to find a suitable professional mentor and decide the best way for you to work together.


Resources: Up £250


You can claim up to £250 to cover expenses relating to your project such as:


  • Website subscription fees

  • Graphic design

  • Travel and accommodation for research trips or meetings

  • Space hire

  • Training

  • Printing and admin costs

  • New kit or equipment* (e.g. mic or lighting for digital content)

  • Contribution to new tech (hardware or software)*


Your claims must relate to your Glow Up Your Creative Practice project (e.g. graphic design for new social media content). For amounts over £50 we will require proof of purchase.


*If you have made a purchase of new equipment or tech in the past 6 months, we will accept a claim for this as part of your GUYCP as long as it is necessary to complete your project (proof of purchase required).


How we will choose the successful applicants


You'll need to complete a short application demonstrating how the programme will benefit your career. We’ll choose three applicants that we feel have the most urgent need and who we know we can match well with a mentor. 


We will provide brief feedback on unsuccessful applications on request. 


Applications open

Monday 29 July 2024


Applications close

Friday 23 August 2024


Successful Applicants Announced

We aim to make our decision by mid-September


Glow Up Your Creative Practice Residencies and Mentorship

October 2024

Application Form

To apply in writing follow the link below. If you wish to apply with video or voice recorded answers, please refer to the time limits on the application form. Recorded applications should be emailed to 


Why LGBTQ+ and Greater Manchester?

We ask people to declare this as our spaces are promoted as LGBTQ+ inclusive. We acknowledge the acronym LGBTQ+ is not perfect (you may be new on your gender or sexual identity journey, or prefer different terms), but we ask all participants to acknowledge that Dibby operates LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces by checking this box.


Our funding dictates the region in which we deliver work. However, we acknowledge not everyone has address security - if your current postcode is outside of GM, we ask that you only sign up if you consider GM to be your primary base of work, or you intend to return to the region soon. 


Do I need a show or project in place to apply?

If you have a specific project or idea that forms the basis of your application that's great, but it’s not a necessity. Glow Up Your Creative Practice is NOT about developing a creative product (e.g. a new show) and you should focus your application on developing your career skills (see the 'what's eligible' list above). If you're unsure whether your idea is eligible, drop us an email:


I’ve been working in the industry for a while now, but still feel like I need help. Can I apply or is this for emerging artists only?

We’ll assess on need rather than what stage of career a person is at. You might have been directing theatre for a while and are now planning to set up your own producing company with your peers, or you might be a local stage manager interested in a career shift to touring theatre. Your mentor will help you identify your skills gaps, action plan your next steps and signpost you in the right direction.


I’m an artist but not in theatre. Am I eligible?

We’re a theatre company and as such support creatives, producers and backstage crew working in (or wanting to work in) in the live arts (e.g., theatre, dance, comedy, live art, storytelling or music). If you’re a visual artist (or any other type of artist) looking to expand your portfolio into the live arts, then you are a perfect candidate for Glow Up. Unfortunately, we can’t offer art-form specific mentorship outside of theatre/performing/live arts.


I have an access need. Will you be able to support me?

We are committed to supporting all LGBTQ+ people into sustainable careers in the arts. Access needs are wide and varied: you may have a disability or be neurodivergent, you might struggle to travel due to work commitments, or be unable to cover the cost of childcare. If you have a specific support need, get in touch. We’re a small (but friendly) bunch and we’ll always do our absolute best to offer the assistance you need to ensure you are able to take part.


Is there an age restriction?

You must over 18 to apply. There is no upper age limit.


I live outside of Greater Manchester, can I apply?

Unfortunately, our funding dictates that this opportunity is for LGBTQ+ people or majority LGBTQ-led organisations in Greater Manchester only. However, we acknowledge not everyone has address security. If your current postcode is outside of GM, we ask that you only sign up if you consider GM to be your primary base of work, or you intend to return to the region soon. 


Can I become a mentor?

If you think you have something to offer another creative, producer or backstage crew member, let us know and we’ll add you to our list of potential mentors to match Glow Up applicants to. Drop us an email with your CV/website/portfolio at

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